ed-isgr8t4u blogs

Rainy Night in Georgia

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Its raining out. Not just rain, but falling out of a bucket rain. I ring your doorbell. It seems like you are taking your sweet time. Maybe you're not home. Then the door opens and an angel is standing there. Long gauzy nightgown glowing against your white skin. I smile. And in my pants, otherwise express my joy.
You take my hand and bring me into the room, and say, "Sweetie, you're wet!". No shit. But my thoughts are interrupted by the warm touch of your wet mouth.
You lead me to the couch, and take my coat off and toss it to the floor. Then, button by button, my shirt is loosened and joins my coat on the floor.
We sink into the couch.
"Why did you come out, tonight, Sweetie?"
I didn't think that deserved an answer, but said, "'cuz I couldn't bear to think of you pouting."
"I wouldn't pout," you say, "I have my toys just for a night like this."
I bend to your neck and whisper into your ear, "No. You'd be pouting." As I bend to you, I cup your ass. My nose nuzzles the hollow behind your ear and you react by leaning back into me. Little kisses join the attack. My hand glides up your side to the swell of your breasts. It feels so soft and promising. I know there's more from where that started. You kiss me back. Lips gliding while tongues dance. Damn girl, you taste so sweet.
My thumb finds your nipple. Rubbing it and feeling it harden. I unfasten the front of your nightgown and slide my hand inside. Cupping, squeezing, pinching feels so good.
But wait.
"Darling, feel good?", I ask. You moan your answer.
"But something is missing..." I say and take your hand and place it over my cock.
"Feel better," you say. 
"Too little, too late," I say as I pull you over my lap... But you wriggle and get away from me. You stand in front of me, teasingly posing. Then, slowly you remove your nightgown and panties and you stand totally nude in front of me.
"My pants are wet, too!"
You bend over to reach my belt and your tits hang deliciously in front of my face. As you struggle with my belt and pants, I massage your breasts and circle your nipples.
My cock is standing at attention. You start to play with it, playful tugs and for a second, my eyes roll into my head. I can still reach and pinch your nipple from here.
Then my eyes roll into my head again as you take my member into your mouth... You look up at me while your head bobs up and down.
Soon, I want more of you. I pull you up onto the couch in a 69, and separate your folds with broad brushes of my tongue. The tip of my tongue finds your bud, and circles it. I moan, just to vibrate my tongue and your clit. Your are getting so wet, lubing your lips and providing me with sweet honey to lick. You arch your back and push your sweetness to me. I am loving this. You gasp, stopping your sucking of my cock but not for too long.
"Girlie, what do you want?"
"Do you want more?"
"Let me fill you all the way," I say
You roll over and lay back on the couch, legs in the air and your glistening slit facing up. I move in for the push. Then, sliding between your slit, I slowly push my cock head past your entrance... My large head pauses at the entrance, until it enters your outer lips and sinks deep inside you. You are so hot! I start pumping, mixing deep strokes with short pumps around your clit. Which do you like better?
Your pussy is starting to drench me... I speed up and occasionally pinch your nipples. Sometimes, my other hand will rub your mound with my thumb... I watch your face, listen to your moans, feel you thrust back against me.
Good, hot, wet, close sex. I twist my hips and screw in each thrust from a different angle. You are sweet. I want you to enjoy!
Your clit is beneath my thumb and you stop writhing and lay rigid. You grab my hand and hold it still, as you shudder beneath me... When you sigh and let go, it takes me but a few more deep strokes and I join you. I collapse and hug you tight.
"Enough heat?," I ask.
You reply breathlessly, "Yeh."
"Dried me off...", I laugh and kiss you.
In the Garage

 It's cold in the garage, but the air filter needs changing now. I am bent over the fender, trying to remove the filter cover, but its stuck in place. I curse quietly as I bend over further, legs spread for support, and try to manhandle the cover latch. When suddenly, I am surprised and stand up, banging my head on the hood. Someone had reached between my legs and fondled my cock.

I turn and see you giggling. I can't help but smile at seeing you. Especially, seeing your hard nipples pressing against your blouse. I step forward and grab your waist and press you against the car. I kiss you. You melt under my lips and your tongue tastes them. I kiss harder, mouth open hungrily, tonguing you and lips dancing with yours. You grab my ass and it makes me long for you more.
My hand slides up to your breast, cupping it and squeezing it. My thumb rubs your nipple and you moan softly, thrusting your chest towards me... I want them more. So I unbutton your blouse and kiss the swell of your bra-less tit. My hand rubs the other side. It feels so good to me.
You're not just standing there either. Your hand goes back to my cock and rubs it through my pants. It is hard and thick. You unbuckle my belt, drop my pants to my knees and fondle my cock and balls. Slowly at first, gently cupping my balls and then drawing your hand up my shaft. I am starting to leak, and you lick my pre-cum from your fingers and kiss me.
After a long kiss, you butterfly kiss down my chest, leaning against the fender, until you get to my groin. While I continue playing with your tits, you take me in your mouth, sucking until the head is big and red. Then your head starts bobbing up and down my shaft.
It's heavenly, but I stop you after a while. I grab a moving blanket from my workbench and lay it on the floor. I undress you and lay you down. Giving you my cock to suck again, I lay beside you and lift your leg. Your pussy is glistening. I separate your lips with my thumb and rub your bud with your own juices. I blow on your pussy with my hot breath before starting to lick it. It tastes so sweet. My tongue paints your lips and rings your bud... You are moaning on my cock now, while you press your mound into my face.
I am so hot now. My cock wants you, so I turn you over and you push your ass into the air. Holding your ass cheeks, I place my cock between them, searching for your wet hot goodness. I find it and plunge in, You gasp in pleasure.
We start grinding together, you match me thrust for thrust. You are so wet, it makes me shiver with ecstasy. I pump fast, then slow before repeating. Your ass twists so that my thrusts reach every side of your pussy... You yell, and then grasp my leg. I stop, as you spasm around me. Cum for me, baby, Cum!
Your breathing slows and you let go of my leg. I start to pump again - you have me close to the edge. I lean forward and hold a tit. Its softness brings me over.
My cock jerks inside you. You press back against me, as I spurt my cum deep inside you.
Spent, I roll over and you lay on top of me. Brushing your hair to the side, you give me a long wet kiss...
And the damn air filter still hasn't been changed.
Hiding from the Storm

 Oh my God, its below zero Fahrenheit! Nothing works. My car battery died, the locks on the doors to my house are frozen. I am running out of heating fuel, and the delivery trucks are breaking down, too. The ocean at the marina has frozen over, it is so cold.

I am alone, wearing silk PJs, a shaggy robe, and under two or three quilts. I don't know how many because I am so cold, I cannot count.
Then the doorbell rings. I crawl out of my fortress of warmth and answer it. A strange apparition is in front of me. Leather boots peek out beneath a hooded winter faux fur coat. There is nothing for the face, but two violet eyes, staring at me over and over-sized scarf, wrapped multiple times around it's neck and face.
But you can't fool me. The eyes were a giveaway. I pull you inside and hug you completely. You scramble to pull the scarf off, but do not have much success. That is until you pull your cashmere knitted mittens off.
Then, success. Our lips meet in a passionate kiss, my tongue licking your lips until I find yours. It is a deep kiss, passion from separation as well as lust.
I pull you over to the couch, and start to remove your coat. You push me away saying, "I can do it faster..." and you were right. So I toss my robe to the side.
I reach and cup a breast as you return the passionate kisses of earlier. You breasts feel so soft, so full, so promising. I run may hands over your body, starting at the hollow behind your ears, to your soft neck and then down to the swell of your breasts. Crossing, I massage your stomach and brush against the mound of your pussy. Then back to cup your ass. A playful slap, too.
You moan and then suddenly sit up. Removing your top, I see that you have foregone wearing a bra. I bend to your nipples and suck and nibble on them. Your hand caresses my hair, holding my mouth to your breasts.
While I am sucking, I one-handedly unlatch your belt and undo the buttons of your jeans. This loosens space so that my hand slides down to cup your pussy through your panties. My fingers find your slit and separate your lips. Then, sliding beneath your panties, I start to play with your clit. You moan again. You sound so hot. Its what I needed to hear.
You have been busy, too. My top is unbuttoned and you occasionally press your bare breasts against my furry chest. Your hand has also found my cock, beneath the elastic waistband of my silks.
We are so aroused by now, we stop just long enough to get completely naked. You finish first, and bend over to suck on my cock.  Now I am moaning. Your alternate sucking the head with long deep dives on my cock; sometimes my head reaches the back of your throat. Your head bobs fast then slow, and I grow to my maximum length and girth.  I want you more...
I lay you back on the couch and you bring your knees up and back, so that I may fuck you deep. I rub up and down your slit and clit, until you are dripping. Then, at the entrance, I push in as you gasp.  I reach for a breast to squeeze as I plunge in and out.  Over and over, your pussy is so wet, it is foaming with each plunge. 
I turn on my side and you back up to me, so I can take you that way.  As my cock drives in and out, my thumb has found your clit and is massaging it with a rotating  motion. Your eyes are glazing as so is mine.
Suddenly your hips start bucking and you cry, "More, more... Don't stop". I keep fucking you, more rapidly now. You grab my hands and your hips shake. A whimper emits from your sexy lips. I've slowed down, slowed to a stop, but your ***** pussy is taking me to the edge. A couple of thrusts, and my cum splashes deep inside your pussy.  A few more, almost automatic, thrusts and I sigh out loud. I reach around you, my arm below your breasts, and pull you close to snuggle.
I am pretty hot now, regardless of the temperature outside.

 Its a miserable day outside and that's why we decided to go shopping first thing in the morning. We were just walking around the mall, but I couldn't help myself. Close to your side, I reach around and grab your ass. I start to knead your soft round cheeks, when you slap me on my shoulder, But you are smiling. I bend over for a quick kiss, and then behave myself.

When suddenly, you pull me into a lingerie store. Grabbing my hand, you lead. There are some nice outfits, and in the back, even some for men. You push me ahead to look with your hands on my hips and grind your breasts into my back as we walk down the aisle. There is an one piece leather male outfit that you particularly like, and you slide your hand around front and caress my cock.

I don't know if this is what you had in mind, but I am hot as hell right now. I grab your hand and pull you forward.

The dressing rooms are in the corner. I look around - the store is empty. I go in first and there is no one there. I grab your hand and pull you inside, locking the dressing room door.
You must be of like mind, as your blouse is open and your bra-less tits are right there for me to see. I grasp them and caress them. They feel so full and soft. My thumb flicks your hardening nipples as they start to protrude.

Your hands are on my shoulders and pull my head between your breasts. I kiss the soft skin and suck it into my mouth. Kissing across your swell, I reach the nipples and pull one into my mouth, licking its tip with my tongue. Gently biting it, then sucking some more. My hands caress your breasts as they rise from your body. Not to let the other side feel unappreciated, I suck on its nipple too.

Your hands have been busy, caressing my chest and unbuttoning my shirt. You run your fingers through my soft grey chest hair and pinch my nipples along the way. Then, you slide your hand to my belt line and down inside my pants as far as you can go. Taking your hand out you rub my cock through my pants for a while. Reaching, you unbuckle my belt and free my pants, so you can hold my cock.

I bend my neck back and moan. You put a finger to your mouth to remind me that we are in a store.

You sit on the bench, pull your skirt around your waist and remove your panties. Rubbing your pussy, you reach for my ass and pull me to your mouth.
I stifle another moan! My cock is going in and out of your mouth deeply. Your hand is playing with my balls, and you occasionally suck one into your mouth.
I can reach your tits and play with them while you suck me. You are drooling. I can feel my cock go in deep, and you take me in your throat without gagging. I am so hard, and need to do something about it.

I reach for you and you stand up, bending over the bench. Your pussy juices are dripping down your slit and your clit is swollen and red.

I place myself and push into you. It is your turn to gasp and just then, we hear someone outside. I can't stop. I start to fuck you hard, my thick cock stretching you and it enters your deeply. You are very wet and it excites me further. I keep pumping - first hard and deep, then easy and shallow rubbing against your clit. Your breath is coming heavy. You push back against me, meeting my rythm. My groin slaps against your ass...

Suddenly, you reach for my ass and hold tightly. Your body quivers as the wave of an orgasm hits you. The spasms of your pussy bring me to the edge. A couple of final pushed and I fill you with my cum.

I rest while we both breathe heavy, waiting for our breathing to return to normal. Kisses are soft and deep.

I think we should get the second lingerie we looked at. Want to try it on?
  •  ed-isgr8t4u
  • Interests:
  • Fun, fun, fun!
  • Gender
  • Male
  • Occupation:
  • Date of Birth:
  • February 1958
  • Ethnic Group:
  • White
  • Relationship Status:
  • Sexuality:
  • Straight
  • Smoke:
  • No
  • Height:
  • 184 cm 6 ft 0 in
  • Body Type:
  • Medium
  • Sexual Assets:
  • Large
  • Education:
  • Nationality:
  • United States
  • Country of Residence:
  • United States
  • State or Region:
  • MA
  • City or Town:
  • randolph
  • Date joined:
  • 2014-04-25
  • Last visited:
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  • Available for Dating:
  • Yes
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  • djandg
  •   United Kingdom
      66 years old
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