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My Anonymous Fuck
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Anonymous Fuck

As with some of the stories posted here these events recently took place in our lives. We wanted to share it with somebody so here's what happened. Enjoy.

My wife "Mary” and I "Jim" have been together for over twelve years. We have no ***** and lead a very hectic work schedule 5 days a week. Mary is 45, very petite at 5"-0" and 98 lbs with a hard body, firm 34c breast, dancer's legs, hazel eyes and long auburn hair. I 'm 49, 6'-1", 200lbs with an average cock. Because of her work and my travels for work, we only have time for each other on the weekends for the most part and with that in mind, we try to get in a quick fuck each week to keep us both satisfied until we can plan a few days alone. This happens about once every month and a half or when "Mary" is really horny and we have a lengthy lovemaking session. With her being so petite, I call her my "little spinner" as once she's impaled on my cock it's very easy for us to end up in a multiple positions, without her hot tight box letting go. Her favorite position is between my legs, with ass in the air, her vibrator on her clit while she's sucking and teasing my cock with her mouth and breast... About half the time when she does this, she rocks back and forth like she's slowly getting fucked from behind. Needless to say it drives me to the edge until I roll her over and bury my cock inside her. As like some men, I've told her more than once, how I would love some stranger actually fucking her from behind while she blew and teased me... Her response has always been the same that an anonymous fuck with a stranger would be one thing, but she was sure she could not do it with me under her or in the same room.

We have always agreed that if an anonymous fuck would present itself to either one of us that we had a strong enough marriage that it would not affect it as long as we told the other about the experience, and not make it a repeat event with the same person or a life style.

About two months ago after retuning from the airport we stopped at our favorite "mid-scale" restaurant about an hour from the house. Mary was wearing black leather pants and tight little sweater, topping it all off with her high heels. Something she wore there several times before and at other places, so she or I did not think anything different.

The waiter "Tim" that night was being extra attentive towards us, more than most other nights we were in for dinner over the past year. What was up we both wondered? Side note: Except for working in the yard, Mary always wears her wedding band as she did this night. I myself keep mine on a chain around my neck because of a near work accident years back that caught my ring and nearly cutting off my finger...

Anyway, while on a trip to the "can", Tim stopped me and asked if Mary was my wife, I then realized why all the extra fussing was going on through dinner. I decided to see where this was going.

"I told him NO and that this was a side thing when her husband is out of town." He smiled and asked me if I'd hook him up, "I said NO because she, Mary, calls the shots because of her husband. I told him I'd take my time so he could have a few minutes to connect with Mary before I return and asked for the check."

On our way home Mary showed me a matchbook "Tim" slipped her while I was in the can, with his number on it. "I told her what took place between "Tim" and I earlier that night and then jokingly said to her here's your big chance for an anonymous fuck."

She smiled, laughed, and then said "he's half my age, too skinny and I'd have to teach him a thing or to, I'll bet...." We both laughed, and continued on home. That night we had our weekly fuck and fell ***** in each other’s arms.

Two months ago on Friday night, Mary and I decided to meet at the same restaurant for a late night dinner. Since we were coming from work and from different parts of town we were in separate cars. We were both dressed in our business attire, I in slacks, dress shirt and sport coat, Mary in a short leather skirt, camisole, heels, panties and no hose. "Tim" was there but he was not our waiter that night. We took our time enjoying the meal with drinks and finished just before the restaurant closing and I paid the check.

Mary said she was going to use the restroom before driving home."

”I told her I was going to take off and I'd see her at the house,” about an hour away. Since I had a few drinks I took my time getting home and assumed Mary was only few minutes behind me. I got home, kicked off my shoes, grabbed a scotch, turned on the tube and became a couch potato. Sometime after 2:30am Mary was shaking me awake.

”She told me to get up, she needed to talk to me" and I sheepishly followed her upstairs to the master bedroom. I was still half ***** while she undressed and started to run the shower. While taking my clothes off, I realized that it was 3am.

"How long have I been ***** on the sofa and why did you not wake me sooner, I asked?" "I just got home myself." "What?"

"I just got home and that's why I need to talk to you now."

"What happened to you? Did you have a flat, or car trouble, why did you not call?"

"No nothing like that, just sit down and listen." I did so, on the edge of the bed in my briefs, and so did she, buck naked, after turning off the shower.

"Honey, after you left, "Tim" cornered me going out the door... He asked why I did not call him and would I ever consider going out with him, since it appears I'm always with you when my husband is out of town. Sticking with your story you gave him a few weeks back, I told him one secret relationship in my life was enough and two really was not what I wanted."

"Tim said we did not have to go anywhere, as he was locking up that night and everybody but the kitchen staff would be leaving in 30 minutes. Stay and have a drink on me while I cash out".

"I figured one would not hurt dear, and since we are in there almost every month and I did not want him pissed off at me, and have him waiting on us for dinner."

"Just after everybody had left he came back by the booth I was sitting in with another drink."

"Everybody but Juan the dishwasher is gone; it's just you and me so nobody will know."

"Know what, I asked?"

"Know we’re together. By the way, all these months I never caught your name?"

"It's Mary." "Well Mary, may I join you in a drink?"
"Sure” I said. "I'll be right back."

"Tim returned from the bar with a drink and sat down next to me, so close my heart jumped a beat and I think he heard it. He made a toast to something, put his glass down and the next thing I knew he had one arm around my shoulder and his other hand on my thigh."

"Mary, I've wanted to do this for some time." "Do what?" as I tried to pull away. "This."

"Dear, quicker than I could blink he was nibbling and sucking on my neck. You know how I turn to putty when you do that. It was no different with him and I did not even try to stop him. Please do not be mad!"

"Mary how can I be mad? You're telling me what happened; besides my cock is not mad either."

She looked down at my cock sticking through my briefs, and it was the hardest she had seen or touched in years.

"I guess that tells it all doesn't it?" "I guess so, and your home safe now."

"Well there's more dear; once he started on my neck I just fell to pieces. He cupped and squeezed my right breast with one hand and kept stroking my thigh with the other....

We started kissing between the nibbles on my neck and the more he squeezed my breast and stroked my thighs more I spread my legs. Finally he moved his hand up under my skirt and just by his strange hand touching my bare thigh I had my first orgasm."

"You're first orgasm Mary?" "Yes my first.”

She was now holding my cock in her hand stroking it as she talked....

"Honey I do not know what came over me but I guess all those years of talking about an anonymous fuck I just gave into everything he was doing to me. He stopped kissing me for a minute and I turned so he could unhook my camisole and let it fall down to my waist. There I was in a empty restaurant with most of the lights off, in a booth, my legs spread wide, my breast exposed for anybody to see, my cunt dripping from my orgasm and this bean pole feeling me up with no resistance from me.”

With that, I shot a load into her tiny hand, and onto her left breast, as by now Mary was on her knees in front of me stroking my cock.

"Did you finally stop him?"

"No dear I did not. He started to suck and lick my nipples one, then the other for what seemed like forever. The next thing I knew he had his fingers under my panties rubbing my clit to its second orgasm. I could not take it anymore, being confined to that booth; I convinced myself away from him, got out of the booth and went to one of the long tables in the back. It had not been reset with dinnerware, so all it had on it was the table cloth.

I sat up on the short end, adjusted my camisole and took off panties, hanging my legs over the edge. All I had on was my skirt and heels."

Mary stopped talking, licked the cum off her left breast and then started sucking my cock down her throat, while rubbing her nipples with her free hand. I was getting hard all over again. Mary then stopped just as quickly as she started and resumed telling what happened next.

"Tim came over from the booth and pushed me onto my back on this long table; he went right back to sucking my nipples, nibbling on my neck and kissing me over and over. Then all of a sudden he plunged 3 fingers into my sopping wet hole and I came for the third time. I started to scream for him to fuck me, fuck me with his cock, and be quick about it before I changed my mind. I was screaming so loud that Juan, the dishwasher, came out of the kitchen. I guess I had forgotten he was back there. He took one look at my half clothed body laid out on the table like a meal, licked his lips, then said something in Spanish to Tim. Tim stopped sucking my nipples and replied to Juan before he went back into the kitchen. Tim then stopped finger fucking and began to undo his pants."

"You mean all this time he had on all his clothes and you were nearly naked?"

Mary replied by pulling on her nipples again and sucking my cock back down her throat. She did this for a good five minutes or more before stopping and getting up off her knees in front of me.

"Get up, pull the covers down and get in bed” she ordered. I did as I was told and in one swift move, like a cat, she was back between my legs stroking my cock with one hand and now rubbing her clit with the other. She then continued talking.

"Somehow and before I knew it "Tim" was stark naked and back to finger fucking me again. Just like we joked months ago he did have a long thin skinny cock that matched his body. It was as hard as steel and poked straight out from his torso, no curve or bend, just straight as a pole."

"Did you touch it?" "No, I just told him again to fuck me, fuck me with his cock, and be quick about it before I changed my mind. "

"He said just wait a second for I have something special for that wet hole of yours."

"He just stood there; his cock was sticking straight out while he was tracing the outline of my swollen clit with his fingers. All of a sudden Juan reappeared with a bowel of something handing it to Tim, and then disappeared as fast."

"Tim told me that if I want to fuck I'd better move my ass to the edge of the table and pull my legs back to my breasts."

"No sooner did I do that, he poured a warm slick liquid over my swollen lips and clit. He then dipped his cock in the same liquid making it shine in the dim light."

"So you want to get fucked do you, slow, hard, fast, deep, shallow, what?"

"I just want you to fuck me, fuck me good and fill me up." I begged him. "I can finger myself all the way home." Mary now had my cock ready to explode again and she kept right on rubbing her own clit.

"Again Tim asked me how I wanted it."

"Please just shove it in and fuck me I said. But before I could finish the sentence Tim was pounding my wet hole at the edge of the table with my legs pulled back to my breasts." Simultaneously and before Mary had finished her sentence she had mounted me and was fucking me like there was no end in site.

"So dear how does the real deal feel?" "What?” I said.

"My sloppy, stretched, cum filled hole. I am fucking you with my hole filled with his cum. It’s want you wanted isn't it? Your petite wife fucked and filled with cum from an anonymous fuck? Actually two anonymous fucks."

"What does that mean, did you fuck Juan too?" She just smiled and pulled her dripping cunt nearly off my cock, and then shoved it all the way back in as hard as she could several times over. She then continued talking.

"Well Tim pounded me nonstop at the edge of that table for what seemed like a good twenty or thirty minutes. He finally pumped me full of his hot cum just after I had my fourth orgasm. Without missing a beat he pulled out of me and went right back to nibbling and kissing me. While he was doing that and I was laying there in a daze, I started to stroke his limp, wet, sticky, cock. He stopped kissing me long enough to dip his cock into that bowel again and then poured some more of that liquid on my breast. I now think it was cooking oil." Mary continued to grind her hot wet hole onto my cock, again and again; she was almost out of control fucking me while telling me all the details.

"Honey, I got "Tim" hard as steel again and he started to rub his cock over my nipples and breast as he move down towards my wet cunt... Just before he was going to stick it back into me again, I got off the table, pulled off my skirt, and bent over a nearby chair. My heels gave me just the right height he needed to fuck me again, but from behind. As I held onto the arms of the chair he very slowly fucked me. I kept wanting his cock in me so I pushed my box into him with every stoke he made. He finally stood still and I moved forward and backward fucking him while bent over the chair, kind of like this."

Mary proceeded to move her box and hips back and forth while on my cock, pressing down as hard as she could.

"Well dear, with all his cum, oil and my juices he was growing in size and was not going to last as long this time before he pumped another load into me. You know that feeling don't you dear?"

She was still grinding into me as hard as she could and all that cum, oil and her juices did make everything a sloppy mess between us. She then rolled off me and pulled her legs back to her breasts.

"Finish me dear, fuck me, fuck my sloppy, stretched, cum filled hole." I did not have to be told twice and I quickly mounted her and began to pound her so hard the bed shook and banged the headboard against the wall. Mary continued.

"Just before Tim shot his second load into me dear, he pulled out his cock and started to rub it up and down my lips and my asshole. I told him my wet hole was all he was going to get to fuck this night."

"He said he could not feel the walls of my cunt anymore because it was so wet and stretched out. I told him to stick it back in me and he will. As soon as he put his cock back inside me I reached back between my legs and shoved two fingers into my cunt and next to his cock, kind of like this."

Sure enough Mary with her legs back over her breasts shoved two fingers into her cunt next to my cock and that's all it took for me, as well, and I shot my load of cum into her and for the third time that night she was filled. After I had pumped what seemed to be gallons into her, I rolled off her and onto my back. Mary said.

"Funny, Tim did the same thing dear; as soon as I put my fingers in my cunt next to his cock he exploded. Something about a tight, yet sloppy, yet stretched, wet hole all of a sudden becoming a tight box again makes a man cum, doesn't it?

Mary rolled out of bed and walked into our bathroom. She said "Tim" handed her some cloth napkins to wash herself with in the restroom. She said she could not find her panties so she used one to plug her hole until she got home and showered. But when she found me ***** on the sofa she decided to take advantage of me by not being fully awake and confess that morning as to what happened. My reaction or should I say my cocks' reaction to the beginning of her story made her change her mind and her desire to share herself with me and her first anonymous fuck.

Apparently "Tim" begged her to leave with him and to stay the night at his place thinking Mary's husband was really out of town. He also wanted to see her again but she made it clear this was a one time fuck and nothing more was to be said about it....

Mary restarted and took a long hot shower that morning. As she got in, she told me I better enjoy the view of my well fucked wife, as it may or may not ever happen again. So with that is a few photos, compliments of my Mary..... I hope you enjoyed this as much as we did re-telling it and sharing these photos. Maybe someday I can get her to try an anonymous fuck via a Glory Hole at the local adult book store? Jim

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