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PostForum: Feedback & Help   Posted: 2009-12-25 05:22:49   Subject: Great Idea

I know several of the old timers have pulled their content off the site because it showed up on other places... I think, if there is an easy way for people to share videos without worrying about them ...
PostForum: Announcements   Posted: 2008-02-11 17:49:10   Subject: moderators

I think that mods can do both...make a room better or make it worse..It all depends on the mod...

To be honest, as a new moderator, I am sure I have made some mistakes... I have spoken in the room ...
PostForum: Feedback & Help   Posted: 2008-01-29 21:10:03   Subject: Who's Online

I use the Who's Online fature a lot...It would be great if when you clicked on that, you got more information... If possible, it would be really nice to know if people are in caht or watching videos.. ...
PostForum: Feedback & Help   Posted: 2007-12-11 14:43:13   Subject: Friends

[b]IM's tend to cause cammers to have problems in the room... Since only friends can send an IM, it may improve life in the rooms if, instead of automatically becoming a friend when clickinb on "Add F ...
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