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Why do videos in the gay section keep getting voted 1 star?
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Post Why do videos in the gay section keep getting voted 1 star? 
Often when I look at the most recent uploaded videos in #gay they all have a single star, it's happened so often I assume someone must be on some form of quest -or like on reddit it's a case of vote everyone else down so their post will be prime, i don't know why or whats going on but its ***** and annoying.

It means of course that some people will miss out on yuvutu points :( It's also a bit disappointing after uploading a video you've spent some effort on and it gets 1* -i was a bit disheartened after my first few videos got this, i might have gone back to the [broken] site i came from if it wasn't for the higher quality streams here... now i expect it and see it's not just me it happens to but everyone (and some of my vids have been uprated by real people now)

who is doing it? why? also if you like what you see don't forget to RATE IT

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Simple. 3 different types of people

1. people who like gay videos
2. people like me who dont like gay videos hence dont watch them (filters them out with the search)
3. people who hate gay videos... and hate so much that they down rate them because they dislike. people who should simply not watch them.

Its common on the internet. Like you will get people making nasty "you are fat" comments on BBW etc. or racist comments on ebony. if you simply dont like the porn, dont view it. Simple. Sadly though people get over confident beyond the safety of their computer and think they have the right to down rate things.

of course, there are jealous people who down rate videos of "rivals" but most of the time its the above type of people - who are too much up themselves.

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Ugh... that's messed up. Sometimes I think people just suck, in a bad way. :waves fist at ***** haters out there:

I hope things have gotten better.

xxx - Kristina

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