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Problem with viewing vids
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Post Problem with viewing vids 
Is any one having probs with viewing the vids. I cant view them. when i click on them it down loads but will not play. it worked fine yesterday

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Post Feedback 
Use the feedback link at the top of the screen to report any technical problems you are having, and a webmaster will help you.

Give details of waht OS and browser you are using and when your problem started.

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Thanks..its sorted its self out...must of been a clitch on my browzer

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Post Having same problem... 
What happened to fix it? I still can't see the videos since Wednesday. The load bar goes half-way then all trafic stops. I've tried clearing my cache, deleting my cookies, defrag, closing other running programs, re-installing my FLV codec pak, snapping my fingers 3 times, applying for a federal grant for disaster relief [cause this is a disaster with no relief in sight, LOL], praying to Quetzeqoatl, Nimrod, Gormli, and Ganesha, etc...

I'm using MySuckyInternetExplorer 6.0 and Winsucks 2000 Pro. They also won't play in my FireFox or Opera browsers.

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My problem is that the videos take forever to load or stop playing mid stream...and I have a fast connection. The site needs more resources to keep up with demand if possible.

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My problem is that the videos take forever to load or stop playing mid stream...and I have a fast connection. The site needs more resources to keep up with demand if possible.

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Post Can't see video 
i love this site, but now i'm unable to see the video or even video frame for that matter. since like the 15 or 16 of this Month (April)...

i have a p4 using cable internet
firefox as browser
updated flash player/shockwave/java/windows media player plug-in and
cleaned out cookies/temp internet files/cleaned up registry
disabled NoScript & AdblockPlus plug-in.

and still nothing....but heres the funny thing i'm able to see it in IE7, but i really hat IE...

any suggestions Question Question Question Question

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Post Can't see video 
i love this site, but now i'm unable to see the video or even video frame for that matter. since like the 15 or 16 of this Month (April)...

i have a p4 using cable internet
firefox as browser
updated flash player/shockwave/java/windows media player plug-in and
cleaned out cookies/temp internet files/cleaned up registry
disabled NoScript & AdblockPlus plug-in.

and still nothing....but heres the funny thing i'm able to see it in IE7, but i really hat IE...

any suggestions Question Question Question Question

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Post Can't see video 
i love this site, but now i'm unable to see the video or even video frame for that matter. since like the 15 or 16 of this Month (April)...

i have a p4 using cable internet
firefox as browser
updated flash player/shockwave/java/windows media player plug-in and
cleaned out cookies/temp internet files/cleaned up registry
disabled NoScript & AdblockPlus plug-in.

and still nothing....but heres the funny thing i'm able to see it in IE7, but i really hat IE...

any suggestions Question Question Question Question

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