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Girls chat - "I love him... but..."
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Post Girls chat - "I love him... but..." 
“So – why the guilt?” – her girlfriend asked.

“Because it happened while I was watching a porn film… and, maybe, ‘because’!!!

“so, your man gave you an orgasm while watching a porn film… and you feel bad?!!”

“yes, but he wasn’t watching it – he was licking me…”

“… and?”

“well, I was also playing with myself… “

… “forgive me if I have misunderstood… but so far this sounds to be NOTHING BUT GOOD!!!!” – her girlfriend wriggled her hips… in (only slightly) ‘mock excitement’!

“yes, but i was watching the film… and I was ‘transfixed’ by a guy with a really big cock”


“and he was fucking this really pretty girl”


“and, and … and I wanted to be that girl!!!”

“aah – so you feel guilty because you ‘came’ while thinking of that man… rather than your own man?”

“well… yes!!”

“ok – what was it that excited you about the guy in the film – the size of his cock?”

“ooooohhh YESSSSS!!!”

Her girlfriend paused to think!!

Then she realised that she recognised TOTALLY – the territory she had ‘stumbled into’…

As they talked, she felt her pussy get wetter… and wetter…!

“so – you like your men to have big dicks?” – she asked…

“no… ‘HUGE’!!!......

A few moments of ‘reflection’ ensued, and then her friend broke the silence “so do I take it that your man falls-short of your ‘desires’… in the dick department?!!”

The girl took her time - clearly chosing her words carefully, and then replied – “we make love…”

“… and that’s a ‘bad thing’?!!!” the friend said, frowning.

“not a ‘bad thing’… but we don’t ‘fuck’!!!”

The friend sighed, and sat back in her chair. An almost ‘maternal’ look replaced the frown. – “darling, the excitement of the early days of a relationship CANNOT last and last… you must know that by now!! If you have moved on to ‘making love’… surely that’s nothing short of PERFECT?!!!!”

“not if you haven’t EVER been ‘fucked’… haven’t EVER simply been ‘screwed’… not if you haven’t EVER just had him ‘shag the arse off you’!!!”

The friend ‘reeled’ a little from this outburst, sat back in her chair – taking-stock… after about a minute she leant back towards the girl, and a wicked smile crept across her face – “YOU ARE A MINX!”, she whispered…!!!

The girl turned her head up, an equivalent grin already in place – “and I’ve been very very naughty…!”

The friend leant further over, and gave the girl a long, lingering kiss on her cheek – “I take it” she whispered, “that what you are going to tell me belongs more in the section titled ‘confessions’… than ‘agony aunt’?!!”…

“ooooh yes” the girl replied…………………………………..

“so, let me guess” the friend giggled, “your man has an inadequate winkle… so you have been ‘active elsewhere’??!!!!”

“yes… and yes…!” the girl laughed…

“tell me more” the friend said, as she cupped and then squeezed her left breast with one hand, while she slid the index finger of her other hand across, and then between her lips. “tell me EVERYTHING…”

“how about you ask me questions” the girl asked… “I promise I wont lie”…

“mmm – I get the truth… is your man afforded this courtesy?!!”

“you have to be joking – of course he doesn’t!!” the girl laughed loudly.

… “ok, for starters” the friend asked, “how big is your man’s cock?”. She picked a pen and paper off the table, and began to draw… “how big compared to this”…

She had drawn just the outline, but it was not difficult to tell ‘what of’!!

The girl picked the piece of paper up, “yummy, yummy, yum yum!” she breathed, as her finger traced the outline - “I do hope you have this guy’s number?!” she giggled.

Her friend leant over, and pulled her face close… “I DO hope so” she said, “because that’s where I live!!!”

“jeezuss – is that REALLY the size of your husband’s cock?”

The friend took the paper from her, and re-examined her artistry before replying – “yes, its about that long… but it IS a bit ‘chunkier’ than I have drawn”…

“CHUNKIER…”?!?! the girl gasped…

“yes, he has a bit more ‘girth’ than that” she said, “he is ‘thicker’… he really fills me up”

The girl stared at the drawing, for a while quite transfixed, and then she picked the pen up and began to draw another outline, alongside the first…

“let’s see” the friend asked, smiling, as she took the page from her...

The girl felt quite nervous, as her friend ‘perused’ the outline drawings of the two – side by side on the page… “its quite a nice little willy” she found herself saying, in a more than slightly ‘defensive’ tone.

After a time that seemed an age, the friend lowered the paper to the floor. She looked the girl in the eyes, and she smiled… “bet that doesn’t quite cut-the-mustard, does it?!!”

They both fell about, laughing - ice ‘broken’. When they had recovered they just sat for a while, holding each others gaze…

The friend broke the silence, taking the girl’s left hand, and pulling it towards her “just ‘feel’” she said…

Before she knew what was happening, her friend had drawn her closer, and in one swift move – had pulled her hand up her skirt, past her knickers… and…

“don’t worry, I’m not a lesbian” the friend said, “but I just want you to feel how a pussy SHOULD feel… if it is being fucked by a proper man”…

Albeit she was aware that she could just pull her hand away, and that would be that – she didn’t…

… instead, she took the opportunity on offer…

After a few minutes of swirling her two fingers around, inside her friend (!), what looked like a ‘reality-check’ occurred… and she pulled her fingers out of her friend’s pussy, and drew her hand away…

“are you angry” her friend asked?

“no” she replied, “but I’d like you to touch me – just to feel the difference”…

Her friend smiled, and slid her hand up the girl’s thigh. She gently parted the lips, and with three fingers she moved inside her… rather more easily than she had expected!!

“wow” she gasped.

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