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Which story is true?
Which story is true?

No. 1 28% 28% ( 2 )
No. 2 28% 28% ( 2 )
No. 3 42% 42% ( 3 )

Total Votes : 7
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Post Which story is true? 
My girlfriend and I occasionally go hiking in the Swiss Alps. I have my fantasies of what could happen in different situations:
- My girlfriend getting fucked by a dirty alpine herdsman in a dark barn
- We spend the night in one of those alpine huts and all hikers have to sleep very close to each other. In the middle of the night, I wake up hearing my girlfriend sighting. In the moonlight, I can see how her other neighbour is mounting her right next to me. I can tell from her moaning that he's just pushing his dick into her and starts humping her
- We spend the evening on the outdoor terrace of an alpine hut with all the other hikers (my gf is the only woman) drinking beer. At the time of the sunset, we're all getting boozed. The other men start flirting with my girlfriend and at some point they also start touching her body. She doesn't reject them and seems to enjoy their hands. One of the men whispers sth into her ears and goes into the hut. Now, my girlfriend rises and follows him. After a few minutes, we all hear my girfriend moaning loudly in the hut. After a while, the guy comes back with a red face saying out of breathe: "Wow, this girl his sooo horny!" At the same time, my girlfriend's turning up in the door - naked - and smiles at us. Then she goes back into the hut. Needless to say that another man is quick in following her and soon after, we hear her moaning again. This goes on for a few hours until every man has had his pleasure. This night, my girlfriend's serving as a slut for 12 sweaty hikers.

The best of it all is: One of those little stories is true and has actually happened. Which one do you think is true?

Best, Marc

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The third, for sure!

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