Price-Real Bikini Model - Eats Cum

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01 min 04 sec
Full Scene Available at: Price is a real model. She actually makes a living modeling primarily bikinis for calendars but she does some catalog work as well. Price emailed me months ago just out of curiousity. She wanted to know if she could wear a mask, NO. Could she do "implied" sex instead of the real thing, NO. Could she do solo-dildo only scene, NO. Anyway, we went round and round for months. I knew Price lived in the general vicinity of the hotel I was at so I said, what the heck, I'll give her a call. I told her what happened, she said she was at the mall but she would call me back in 30 mins with an answer. That answer was obviously yes and here you go. This girl has the most incredible tits I believe I have ever seen. A . She's cute as a button. She's originally from NY and has just a touch of that NYC accent but at the same time has a cutesy voice that reminded me of a chipmunk. Here's my favorite part of the shoot. Price has a boyfriend. Not kidding. The poor sap has no idea his girlfriend fucked the crap out of me in front of a camera. I love that . I didn't even know she had a BF, he just happened to come up during the shoot. She eats two HUGE loads of cum like it's her Thanksgiving feast. She deep-throats my cock till her eyes water. She fucks me in multiple positions. She pulls my cock out of her pussy and sticks it directly into her mouth twice. She fingers herself to a real orgasm. Also, I'm not a huge fan of eating out girl's asses but this girl was so hot and it was just there in front of me begging me to lick it so I did tongue her asshole for about 30 seconds. Loved it. I may have to add that to my repertoire. She refused to do anal but I planted the seed in her head so maybe one day she'll come back and I'll fuck her ass. She did do a nice round of totally naked jumping-jacks. You have got to see her tits floppping around. Incredible. Price, thank you so much. My fellow pervs, enjoy. Full Scene Available at:
Blow Job
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Posted by: roywlogan on 2007-12-03 09:02:14