My wife offered to be his whore

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01 min 37 sec
A friend of mine after his divorce was looking for a whore to empty his balls into on a regular basis.I told my wife, who also knew him and liked him a lot, if she wanted to try it with him too.I knew she was a whore and it turned me on a lot when she fucked other men before me. She liked big cocks because she has a big cunt. She agreed without any problems because she wanted it anyway.I made a deal with my friend and that same night his big cock ended up in my wifes horny cunt.She really liked his big cock and the large amount of cum he flooded her cunt with!....Since then he has been coming to my wife regularly when she needs to fuck.... and often when I come home, I find my whore riding his big cock!Its really very exciting!
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Posted by: tonbcn on 2024-06-21 13:44:57
Mmm lucky man! Lovely big pussy
Posted by: over_kill on 2024-06-21 15:10:46
very hot guys :D thanx for sharing!
Posted by: sportingwalt on 2024-06-22 07:41:10
Lucky guy
Posted by: pork64 on 2024-09-24 14:03:07
Hai una moglie porcellina con una gran bella fica
Posted by: bulloscar on 2024-11-21 22:36:05
Complimenti alla tua signora mi piacerebbe avervi come miei graditi ospiti nel Salento
Posted by: pachi_p on 2024-11-29 10:00:31
Chi trova un amico trova un tesoro!!!!! Complimenti, goditela alla grande!!!!
Posted by: rainer14 on 2025-03-20 10:51:24
Wirklich eine wunderbare Frau, Glückwunsch. Mit meiner liebe ich es auch, wenn sie es mit anderen Männern treibt
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