soft breasts -59secs

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01 min 00 sec
I rub cream all over my big boobies
Big Tits
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Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-19 12:06:32
Keep the video's coming Michelle!!! You are HOT
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-19 12:59:59
What size are those puppies!!!
Posted by: hornwarrior on 2007-01-19 14:28:52
Michelle babe I would love to see you on top of me with those beauties bouncing about!
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-19 16:18:38
to have cum massaged into them. Would be great to see. Next time also bend forward and let them hang and swing side-to-side. Lovely.
Posted by: spermalot on 2007-01-19 20:02:20
Very nice Michelle. I love to see a woman massage her tits. How about licking them for me?
Posted by: t2006 on 2007-01-19 20:19:29
Lovely video...nice face and hair...great boobs!
Posted by: luvsbigtits on 2007-01-19 20:41:00
great stuff Michelle, words can't say enough about you.
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-19 21:26:17
Michelle, you have such a beautiful face and possibly the most incredible pair of natural tits I have ever seen! Please show us more--more of your awesome body as well as more of your sexual talents! If you insist on just showing your great tits, try bending over and allowing those fantastic boobs to sway for us!
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-19 23:19:25
Some of the best breasts that I have ever seen. REAL. will you orgasm for us? use a wand vibrator.I can buy it for you!
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-19 23:32:26
luv your big tits can you suck them with those lovely red lips next time
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-20 00:05:27
Cute girl, nice nipples, greats breasts, sweeeet video
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-20 03:01:21
dont u have a better thing to do all day long than coming here and showing urself to people? if u want to get fucked go on the street and sale youself,atleast you and the guy can have fun both of u LOL
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-20 03:46:58
Michelle, you have done it again, yet another perfect score for the woman with the perfect looks. When you started playing with your boobies and threw your head back it just threw me out of my chair...I have never been so awestruck by a woman in my I know there is a God lol Thanks babe, keep it up, we love you! :)
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-20 03:50:34
When I die I want to come back as the cream in that bottle lol Michelle, you have done it again, yet another perfect score for the woman with the perfect looks. When you started playing with your boobies and threw your head back it just threw me out of my chair... I have never been so awestruck by a woman in my I know there is a God lol Thanks babe, keep it up, we love you! :)
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-20 04:01:47
I just can't stop watching this..Michelle, you are more dangerous than an illegal drug, but far more desirable. You have the sexiest lips and eyes Michelle, pleaes dont cut them out of the frame.We know you want to show off those beautiful curves but believe it or not we just love that smile and those seductive glances you throw us as you fondle those dreamy breasts... Great stuff, this is my third post lol Gotta go watch this baby again! :)
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-20 08:33:16
thankyou so much guys it makes me so excited when you ebjoy watching me. muaaaaaah
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-20 13:37:23
I get a stiffy just reading what you write baby! :) I gotta go watch this again...just woke up this morning and i need to see ya again baby! :)
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-20 13:50:56
I'm really really fed up with seeing these boring scenes of her
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-20 14:04:44
If you don't like something, just LEAVE...destructive comments are just a waste of space on websites like this. No one cares what you think, if we agreed with you we wouldn't BE here, we think she's gorgeous and anyone who feels otherwise is free to go elsewhere, so please just leave and take your negative comments elsewhere... This isn't ebay, she's not selling anything that we need to be warned about ahead of time, so please if you dont like something, leave and don't fill up the comments queue with negative junk like that, it just makes you look like an idiot. Michelle, you k
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-20 14:07:06
The rest of us are sorry about woh's comments, please ignore them, he just wants to see more of you most likely, and no one here can blame him for that. You and your videos are fantastic inside and out, keep em coming! :)
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-20 15:54:08
thanks guys I will try to ignore the comments but it still hurts but all the wonderful comments sure do make up for it:) sexy kisses all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: amateurmichelle on 2007-01-20 15:56:05
yes guys the post above is from me I forgot to log in.Bad girl aren't I hehehe. xxxx
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-20 23:07:38
im sitting here with the hugest hardon in years top notch!!!! would love to see you put something inside you. you are many men have jacked off to this? keep it cus youre keeping mine up.
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-20 23:25:44
just had a thought maybe you could suck on a lolliepop or something that would be nice!
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-21 02:38:41
We HAVE to know what size those beautiful girls are...come on now... :) Damn these videos are hot, it impossible to pick one over the other! :)
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-21 08:14:46
You are wonderful!!!
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-22 00:57:38
you are truly amazing
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-22 17:17:04
I'm bored of this too and by the way guys comments does not imply that a statement has to be positive or negative...there might equally be people who get bored of you all going crazy over a completely average looking woman
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-23 01:53:59
they are the most amazing i have ever seen u should b so proud, they made me cum everywhere.
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-23 04:10:33
Dude, no one ever claimed that the term "comment" implied postive or what is said. The claim was and still is that leaving negative comments isnt' constructive since nothing is being sold here. If this was ebay or some site that I wasn't sure what I was getting actual WARNINGS would be appropriate. However since nothing is hidden here, I don't really see any point in voicing complaints. It goes back to the old addage, if you dont have anything nice to say...don't bother saying anything. It makes no sense on a FREE site that leaves everything up front to post ne
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-23 04:13:02
...negative comments, If you end up in a soccer game and aren't having fun..its perfectly sensible to leave...but dont' spoil it for everyone else who is enjoying themselves. It just makes you a stick in the mud. As michelle said, if you dont like the videos, its all good, just go watch someone elses, but dont be nasty, its not cool at all.
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-23 04:16:31
OK, last point. As you said, comment doens't necessarily imply that it has to be positive. Graned, but there is no sense in being negative. 1. It wont improve the site, Michelle has made it clear she does this for her own fun, not to sell product. 2. It ruins the fun for everyone else who have to read nasty posts. 3. It isn't going to help YOU get to be someplace where you ARE happy. So if you dont like it, just find something else...but leave the criticism, it isn't useful at all on a free site.
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-23 04:31:44
Wauuu!!! que tetotas... nunca eh tenido unas asi en mis manos, que triste....
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-23 11:57:59
you are a princess, michelle
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-23 21:09:01
Muy ricas tus tetas michelle, como pa hecharte una cachita y nada más, chauuu tetona
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-23 22:39:19
Michelle, you are off the hook!!!!!!!!! You are soooooooooooooo amazing its hard to believe!!! You are pefection ; )
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-25 03:42:44
She's more than off the hook..Michelle's "da bomb!!!" :D This is THE bomb gentlemen...this act isn't just tough to follow, Michelle just can't be beat, she's the complete package with a bullet!!!
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-26 08:23:49
wowowowo beautifoul big tits!!!! Love u!!!
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-01-26 11:58:39
I think someone's gettin obsessed! Lock the doors tonight Michelle" Nemo's more than a fan. lol!
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-27 17:28:26
Why is it the web always seems to attract moronic posts? Dude, michelle has gotten quite a bit of flack, and some of us here are posting a lot of positive feedback to make up for non-constructive posts such as yours.
Posted by: avoidingnemo on 2007-01-27 17:29:17
Please if you dont have anything positive to say about the videos then DONT comment, just go elsehwere, I dont want to read it and I can't imagine anyone else here does either. Better yet, be positive too, michelle puts a lot of effort into this and it should be appreciated. Dude, just be helpful or dont bother posting, no one enjoys coming here to read insults. Thanks
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-02-21 11:46:45
ma ma mia
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-07 15:37:13
You are great.....keep creaming dear....they are wonders of the world !!!!!!!!!!!1
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-10 10:29:06
I would fuck u all over u aussie whore
Posted by: Anonymous on 2008-01-29 01:13:24
i love big tits and yours are the best
Posted by: Anonymous on 2008-06-30 23:07:37
Not sexy at all.
Posted by: Anonymous on 2008-07-31 07:34:39
I love your big boobies
Posted by: onyourtits on 2009-01-22 16:23:29
Fantastic, I'd love to see a cock exploding between your tits.
Posted by: jonrubsforfun on 2011-11-08 12:25:22
...where they were when they first saw your tits. I I know they are the best, most firm, pendulous, lickable, titwankulous wet dream inducing smooth spherical orbs of joy I have ever perved over. Will you marry me, I would use your shit for toothpaste!
Posted by: jonrubsforfun on 2011-11-08 12:26:58
just watched it again, you've got a gorgeous face aswell, sorry missed that the first time.
Posted by: bluzhedonist on 2012-04-15 13:35:22
I'd love to see you titty fucked & have anice hotload of cum all over them!!!!
Posted by: Anonymous on 2020-06-08 02:42:17
Fellas better stop jerking off and fuck real woman in your city, you can find them on