Bottle & Inflatable Birth

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07 min 44 sec
I fuck myself with a large green bottle while doing poppers. Then I switch to my new inflatable dildo, which I pump up to maximum size (so far) before birthing it (without letting out any air). I also talk a bit about what it’s like to give birth.
Female Masturbation
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Posted by: laceyman on 2012-08-14 23:32:05
what are poppers?
Posted by: sheilastretch on 2012-08-14 23:55:12 Basically, poppers are a liquid that turn into a breathable vapor when exposed to the air. The vapor is considered to be safe from a medical standpoint, and causes increased physical sensitivity, and for a period of 2-3 minutes after a dose, it makes it easier/more pleasurable to push yourself further while stretching. They're legal and can be purchased online or at many sex shops (at least in our country), and I would say that they completely changed the way we approach fisting. If you manage to take a sniff right before orgasm, it'll be *significantly* m
Posted by: sheilastretch on 2012-08-14 23:55:45
more intense and it'll tend to last a bit longer.
Posted by: vanman16 on 2012-08-15 12:27:09
I love how you enjoy exploring your own body and are free to talk about it. You also have fantastic tits and make those delightful sounds when stretching your pussy and rubbing your clit! Very HOT, thanks for sharing
Posted by: oldhippie2 on 2012-08-15 17:16:13
Great video baby. No your not weird just a beautiful sexy lady. Thanks for giving us this sexy video to wank to.
Posted by: mr_mrs_darling_nikki on 2012-08-15 17:51:46
I can't get enough of you Sheila! Cant wait to see your next video!
Posted by: likeablelicker on 2012-08-22 22:21:47
That is hot Sheila. I love your pussy stretching time. It looks and sounds so friggin sexy.
Posted by: jesolo72 on 2012-08-23 00:23:26
Posted by: Anonymous on 2013-02-19 07:22:47
Quando ero all'università la mia compagna stefania lucchetti mi faceva morire di seghe infilandosi in figa e in culo bottiglie e lattine di birra068
Posted by: Anonymous on 2013-05-10 02:49:54
I wish I had been born a natural woman
Posted by: Anonymous on 2013-05-12 04:56:58
I love hearing you talk, you are so beautiful and are all I could ever wish to be as a woman. I have such a ***** that The doctores say the best I can hope for is to accomidate a cock of no more than 4 inches long and of small diameter. Thank you for sharing
Posted by: shelee on 2013-05-18 15:32:57
very sexy sheila, i love using poppers when i`m stretching my ass with butt plugs, dildos or my fist, its amazing, have you tried stretching your ass with your inflatable plug, it`ll blow your mind.
Posted by: jupiterman on 2015-09-14 08:05:40
You are an amazing woman.
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