Big Cumshot

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03 min 26 sec
I jerk myself to a nice cumshot while watching hot videos on Yuvutu!
Cum Shot
Cock Shots
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Posted by: Anonymous on 2012-12-05 17:13:24
Thanks so much for posting. It has been a long time since I gave another man a blow job and I miss the tast of cock and cum so bad but even more I miss kneeling befor a man being his subject to do his bidding. I used to serve my wifes lovers daily but once I was hooked she no longer lets me humble myself befor them. I watch but am not allowed any relief.
Posted by: Anonymous on 2012-12-05 17:13:27
Thanks so much for posting. It has been a long time since I gave another man a blow job and I miss the tast of cock and cum so bad but even more I miss kneeling befor a man being his subject to do his bidding. I used to serve my wifes lovers daily but once I was hooked she no longer lets me humble myself befor them. I watch but am not allowed any relief.
Posted by: Anonymous on 2012-12-05 17:16:58
I was also going to say thank you for the way you pointed at the camera when you climaxed. I put the computer on a table and knelt in front and dreamed you were shooting your cum at me as you told me to be a good slut and take all your cum. You even told me to keep sucking untill your were soft and had no more cum. THANK YOU for letting me serve you
Posted by: Anonymous on 2012-12-07 04:48:54
nice helmet.
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