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01 min 25 sec
my hot woman
Female Masturbation
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Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-14 21:25:41
she's hot..anyway to speed up vids here? almost fell asleep!
Posted by: sexygoatman on 2007-03-14 22:24:25
one hot babe, one hot vid
Posted by: gabbione on 2007-03-14 22:44:35
fucking HOT!
Posted by: seahunk on 2007-03-14 23:01:16
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-15 00:51:33
1 minute and 25 seconds of my life i'll never get back.
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-15 04:33:42
Usually when a video is tagged as MILF, the woman is fat and ugly. This time, however, she really is someone I would want to fuck. She is awesome and you are a very lucky man. Next time, can we see her actually cum? We want to see you fuck her too . . . especially in the ass.
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-15 09:40:44
Please don't tag it "come" unless there actually is one
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-15 10:34:00
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-15 12:12:32
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-15 20:55:43
Que chingue a su madre
Posted by: marko7t4 on 2007-03-17 00:27:49
At what point does she "come" exactly. Should be banned for false advertising yawwwwwwwwwn
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-17 15:29:39
one of the most exciting masturbation videos I've seen! would love to see the orgasm though... Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Anonymous on 2007-03-18 02:03:06
when was this video made 1983? i think the casio digital watch is a dead giveaway....sorry,it started ok,tailed off in the middle and the less said about the end,the better...apart from all that ....excellent !!! Edmund Blackadder
Posted by: janie33 on 2007-03-18 16:46:09
she needed another woman's touch