hols80 personal info

  United Kingdom
  • hols80

  • Occupation:
  • Interests:
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of Birth: August 1980
  • Ethnic Group: White
  • Relationship Status: Free and single
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Smoke: No
  • Height: 170 cm 5 ft 7 in
  • Body Type: Large
  • Sexual Assets: Large
  • Education: Bachelor Degree or Equivalent
  • Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Country of Residence: United Kingdom
  • State or Region: H9
  • City or Town:
  • Date joined: 2012-08-11
  • Last visited: You must be a subscriber to view this information.
  • Available for Dating: Yes


Fun loving red head bbw

hols80 videos

None so far.

hols80 photos

  •   783
  •  21/08/12
  •  73%
  •   983
  •  17/08/12
  •  82%
  •   652
  •  13/08/12
  •  90%
  •   593
  •  11/08/12
  •  93%

hols80 blogs

No entries.
arya7729 said:
>>>> www.intimcontact.com?profilehols80
blackaberry said:
Do you do films yourself hols? Let me at them tits!!!
astraboy said:
love the boobs very much! xx
london_mandem said:
wot up... london eh... y am i in here wankin wen u culd be comin and
keepin me pleased! bbm?? holla!
darix said:
you are simply wonderful.....wet kisses from darix/italy
sunnyjim65 said:
Fantastic photos.....so sexy xxx
happyhand1 said:
Love the pics.....going to make a tribute vid with them
london_mandem said:
wot up sexy... come holla at me.
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  • blackaberry
  •   United Kingdom
      41 years old
  • sunnyjim65
  •   United Kingdom
      59 years old
  • happyhand1
  •   United States
      49 years old
None so far.
None yet.