keyser personal info

  United Kingdom
  • keyser

  • Occupation: Pleasant pheasant plucker
  • Interests: Plucking pheasants
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: 1964
  • Ethnic Group: White
  • Relationship Status: Free and single
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Smoke: No
  • Height: > 7 ft
  • Body Type: Slim
  • Sexual Assets: Small
  • Education: High School
  • Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Country of Residence: United Kingdom
  • State or Region:
  • City or Town:
  • Date joined: 2008-02-11
  • Last visited: You must be a subscriber to view this information.
  • Available for Dating: Yes


Don't get strung up by the way I look, don't judge a book by its cover. I'm not much of a man by the light of day, but by night I'm one hell of a lover.

keyser videos

 - Entry for latest Yuvutu competition!
  •   5K
  •  01/12/15
  •  93%
 - For Bella...
  •   8K
  •  03/07/15
  •  74%
 - Another quick one off the wrist.
  •   7K
  •  10/01/14
  •  80%
 - Shortest video on Yuvutu?
  •   5K
  •  30/12/13
  •  76%
 - Getting my dick sucked
  •   10K
  •  28/08/13
  •  76%
 - T
  •   7K
  •  17/03/13
  •  84%

keyser photos

  •   4K
  •  21/08/13
  •  87%
  •   4K
  •  21/08/13
  •  83%
  •   3K
  •  19/07/12
  •  100%
  •   6K
  •  18/06/12
  •  96%
  •   4K
  •  09/10/10
  •  100%

keyser blogs


There is a woman who frequents this site that is truly amazing!

I'm not naming names but I would love to meet her one day. She is far away across the Atlantic but hey, who knows what the future holds?!!

She is funny, sexy, intelligent, great personality and I love to - ahem - 'interact' with her over the Internet :)

Why she likes ME is a mystery LOL

Nuff said.


anyone ever get the feeling they're only wanted for chatting and fun, and not for showing cock on cam?

tell me i'm not alone LOL

please PMSL

my videos

I'm bored with the ones on my profile page, and by the lack of comments or them not being made a 'favourite' by other people, it seems so is everybody else!

So, should I take them down or not?

time for a break?

I seem to have hit my stride in chat and have managed to upset a number of people again! I think it's time to have a little break and a re-think of my behaviour (that could take a while LOL). I doubt it will be for too long though, chat is pretty addictive.

And no, this is not a plea for attention :p

Survey (or me just being nosey)

1) Have you ever fantasised about a person of the same sex?

2) Have you ever had sex with someone of the same gender or indulged in kissing/fondling?

3) Do you find yourself attracted to people of the same sex sometimes?

4) Do you have any fetishes - including foot fetishes, sadism and masochism etc?

5) How important is sex to you?

6) How important do you think fidelity is, in a relationship?

7) How old were you when you first kissed?

8) Are you a virgin? If not, how old were you when you lost your virginity?

9) Which are the three people of the opposite sex you consider the most attractive?

10) Have you ever been convinced into having sex?

11) Have you ever used sex toys?

12) Do you masturbate? How often?

13) Describe a sexual fantasy you would like to fulfil someday.

14) Have you ever had phone sex?

15) Do you browse porn on the internet or on television?

16) Is there anything you would want to change about the way you look through plastic surgery if you had the choice and could afford it?

17) Have you ever wondered what it would have been to be born as the opposite sex?

To all the people who looked at my profile / videos / photos

Just wanted to say THANK YOU for pushing my Yuvutu index over 5000 for the first time in the 3 years I have been on this site! I never thought it would happen but it has and I am chuffed to bits :)


islandbella2 said:
fairywings1 said:
Keys my little fluffy bunny I miss you more then words can say , I
hope your causing havoc up there with your crazy ways . You will
always have a special place in my heart . Until we meet again my love
. yours always Fairy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
greystreetxxx said:
Goodbye dear friend.  You will be missed.  Rest in peace and give them
hell wherever you may be!!! When they kick at your front door How
you gonna come? With your hands on your head Or on the trigger of
your gun When the law break in How you gonna go? Shot down on the
pavement Or waiting on death row You can crush us You can bruise
us But you'll have to answer to Oh, the guns of Brixton
ubud said:
i would never have thought a contact from internet could concern me,
touch me. But now i know how wrong i was. When i heard about keys
leaving i was shocked and couldn't believe, he and his brain and
humor were part of my life ...and now i know this is not just net. I
will miss him very much and yuvu will be different. But i also know, i
will never forget him, because he had so much style and was
unique...R.I.P. my friend
hotpolarbear said:
I've just found out and I'm sitting here crying. I shall
miss you so much, Wolfie. Rest in peace my dear friend.
bordercrossing said:
Dear Keyser, I wish I had known. I feel so selfish right now. I
need you to come back to chat so I can wish you safe passage. I need
to chat with you one last time and spend as long as it took to say
goodbye to my friend properly. What is chat without you? It is
less than it was before. There was already a void before I heard the
news. I was asking about you only just the other day, wondering if
anyone had heard from you. Why didn't you tell me you were so
sick? I would have wanted to know. You were there for me during my
cancer days. I hope you knew that I would have been there for you,
had you needed to talk on those difficult days. Maybe you were just
that much stronger than me, and you didn't need that type of
comfort. Noone will ever replace you. I wish I would have known you
on a more personal level, but it comforts me that others were there
for that. Thank you Ingy for being Keyser's friend. Thank you
for being closer to him than most of us. I have lost my brother
today. I miss you so much.
gdguy11 said:
Keyser, Well buddy, we all know you are up there looking down on us
pervs. Everyone misses you and look forward to meeting up some day and
continuing our banter. Until then keep an eye on us. You are the
man! gdguy
dilligaf said:
Keyser, you always had something snarky and witty to say. I also had
no idea how unwell you were. May you find peace as well as rest in
peace. xoxoxo
ingy said:
This is a message to Meatballs from Keyser........ I'm just
passing it on as of Meatballs wishes........ keyser
wrote: i've actually got up early out of bed to type this! Was
laying in bed, sad about what you said last night (that you might be
closing your account). Could you not keep it open so that you could
log in, and if anything good was happening I could let you know? I
know the room is shit atm but I know it WILL get better, it just needs
a little bit of time for new people to find it. I'll be really
sad to see you go, it won't be the same without you. You're
the only one who makes me laugh and who gets my humour! And you know
what obscure stuff i talk about too, like punk, films, etc. I hope
you persevere with it a bit longer, it could still be a good laugh
once more! Cheers keyser wrote: Aww thanks! I really mean that.
I know it's shit atm but it might get better lol It's the
fact that it IS shit atm that makes you being there bearable, as we
can chat and relieve the boredom of it, with there always being the
chance that someone decent will cam. Otherwise I'm just sitting
there reading chat (if there is any) and flicking through other sites.
Like i said, you get my humour and vice versa and i like the mutual
'slagging off' of each other (in jest of course). It just
makes being in there better for me and if you left it would be a blow
(ooer). BUT if you feel it's too much to stay, then by all
means look elsewhere or leave this place, you're not a number,
you're a free man! lol Just don't vanish overnight without
telling me, right? Or i'd hunt you down and make you regret it
lol Thanks for hanging in, i feel better now )
cutiepie51 said:
Keyser, I had no idea how unwell you were, and regret that I never got
the chance to say a proper goodbye. You were a fixture in chat and
your presence will be missed by many. Rest in peace Keys.
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  • bmw325i
  •   United Kingdom
      63 years old
  • yourgift
  •   Italy
      66 years old
  • ubud
  •   Germany
      60 years old
  •   291
  •   22/03/12
  •   100%