hi we dont know where u living, but we 'll be in London on the 7 th to 10 th of may, we are a french swinger couple and we are looking for another couple or a bi women to have fun so if you 're interested in meeting us please let us an message on our email adresse below tick-et-chic@live.fr kiss from France.
samy197711 said:
hummm very sexy add my msn : sexycam1977@live.com or : sexycam1977@yahoo.fr
aussievoyeur said:
Hi sexy couple.....keep up the nice horny work. Love your hot wife too xo
gaston1763 said:
q bien pajea!!!!
knickerlover said:
what happened to pics?
knickerlover said:
great couple! nice vids any other positions?
sammxxx said:
What a fantastic body sure would like to have some fun with her....
elalamein said:
nuda nuda nuda nuda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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