loverboy1984 personal info

  Bosnia Hercegovina
  • loverboy1984

  • Occupation:
  • Interests:
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth:
  • Ethnic Group: White
  • Relationship Status: In an open relationship
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Smoke: No
  • Height: 178 cm
  • Body Type: Medium
  • Sexual Assets: Average
  • Education: Bachelor Degree or Equivalent
  • Nationality: Bosnia Hercegovina
  • Country of Residence: Bosnia Hercegovina
  • State or Region: 01
  • City or Town: tuzla
  • Date joined: 2012-05-27
  • Last visited: You must be a subscriber to view this information.
  • Available for Dating: Yes



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priscalinmum said:
Ciao il mio nome priscalin signorina, ho visto il tuo profilo per
giorni mi sono interessato di sapere se puoi mandami una mail a questo
indirizzo ( ), io vi darņ la mia immagine
mentre io intendo qualcosa di importante da dirvi Si prega di
contattarmi direttamente a questo indirizzo ( ) io sono in attesa per la risposta
ora ================================================== Hello my
name Miss priscalin,i saw your profile to day i became interested to
know you if you can mail me with this address( )i will give you my picture mean while i
have something important to tell you Please contact me directly with
this address( ) i am waiting for your
reply now
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