mifantasy personal info

  United Kingdom
  • mifantasy

  • Occupation:
  • Interests:
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of Birth:
  • Ethnic Group:
  • Relationship Status:
  • Sexuality:
  • Smoke:
  • Height:
  • Body Type:


Hi there thanks for looking at my profile, I'm best known for being a very big boobed M.I.L.F and have my own site called mifantasy.com which you can see a vast array of my pics and videos ;)x

mifantasy videos

mifantasy photos

  •   3K
  •  31/01/10
  •  94%
  •   4K
  •  31/12/09
  •  87%
  •   3K
  •  29/12/09
  •  83%
  •   2K
  •  29/12/09
  •  90%

mifantasy blogs

No entries.
iris4884 said:
That's her? www.fantazm.online?mifantasy
samy197711 said:
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alfil12 said:
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I hope you are very nice, alfil12. alfil47@hotmail.com
sugarray4 said:
excelente. Greetings from bcn intrinseco00@hotmail.com
wowka45 said:
deluxor said:
I would love to see those lovely tits tied up!
zeb_pyke said:
Love your tits! Thanks for posting, Zeb
ivanmal said:
incredible tits!!!
scaritto said:
wow beautyfull tits!
aris1 said:
now woy are my fantasy!!!!!!! ouaou
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  • omonoia
  •   Cyprus
      38 years old
  • watcher1971
  •   United Kingdom
      53 years old
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