rox67 personal info

  • rox67

  • Occupation:
  • Interests:
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: October 1967
  • Ethnic Group: Mixed
  • Relationship Status: In an open relationship
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Smoke: Yes
  • Height: 173 cm 5 ft 8 in
  • Body Type: Medium
  • Sexual Assets:
  • Education: High School
  • Nationality: Italy
  • Country of Residence: Italy
  • State or Region: 15
  • City or Town: termini imerese
  • Date joined: 2009-05-13
  • Last visited: You must be a subscriber to view this information.
  • Available for Dating: Yes



rox67 videos

 - gran culo
  •   10K
  •  12/06/09
  •  67%
 - sega
  •   17K
  •  07/06/09
  •  84%
 - vengo
  •   22K
  •  07/06/09
  •  67%

rox67 photos

None so far.

rox67 blogs

No entries.
atak153515 said:
guillermo23 said:
muy sexiiiiiiiii rox
guillermo23 said:
muyyyyyyyy buenooooooo los videooooossssss que colaaaaa preciosaaaaaaa
rox 67 adriano de la argentina
libertino228 said:
Signora Rox lei mi fa' impazzire!!!perche' nei suoi video
trasmette troppa lussuria....spero che pubblicherai quanto prima altri
video...spero di poter chiacchierare con te quanto prima in chat...un
saluto dal Libertino228 P.S. Diffidate dalle imitazioni!!!
bbgray said:
hi,gray here from the UK love the dvds very sexy, lets have more
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  • lachieuse
  •   France
      48 years old
  • fatto
  •   Italy
      54 years old
  • nanomahony
  •   Ireland
      57 years old
None so far.
None yet.