Have I fucked a black man? Yes
What is the biggest black cock? 12"
Do I fuck other races? Yes
Am I really single, no *****, and real? Yes
Why single? My career is too busy for all of that.
Do I do porn? No, I am a CFO in good ole corporate U.S.A.
Do I get paid to promote www.bigirsite.com? No, but I wish ..haha.
Do I work for www.bigirsite.com? No, but my company has done a few days of consulting for them awhile back.
Do I have any videos on www.bigirsite.com? HAHA -- look really hard, you might see me;)
Why won't I date you? I never have time, and am traveling often (try every 2 wks).
What is my favorite porn? Really anything, but I prefer interracial.
Do I like to exchange videos/pics? No: I wish I had the time, but I don't.
Do I like women? I have had some wonderful experiences with women.
Do I sleep around? No -- my days are very long, that is why PORN is so important to me.
How many emails do I get a day? About 100 and I appreciate them all;)
I think that covers the questions..for awhile..hahaha. Email me if you have more.

All participants are at least 18 years of age.