I ended up losing my job pernamently on July 1st. They didn't close to remodel ,but went out of buisness instead. I am still currently jobless, having applied to just about everywhere. Two months later I am now finally getting unemployment money. I had to leave my old place of residence and move back home to live with parents. I'm fortunate to have someone to turn to. Otherwise I don't know what I what have done to have no money for 2 whole months. There are pro's and con's to every descision. Living back at home, I feel better, and not under a ton of stress from ex roomates and being bombarded to 'shit out money' . Internet out here is hit or miss and not as good, but I have it.
My health for the most part is greatly improved. Except for a new hightened allergies . Not having to forage for food , so I'll be fine. Hopefully something turns up for the best.
One door closed is another Open.