I have gone to sleep and finally drifted off, I am alone in the house...the front door and the bedroom door are locked as this has become a habit when I am here alone. You pull slowly into the driveway, your headlights are out so as not to shine in the bedroom windows and fowl up your plans. You use your key to open the front door and dead bolt and quietly open the door and enter the house, you then ease the door closed without making a single sound. You slip off your shoes and tiptoe up the staircase, careful not to step on the one that creaks. You use your key to open and slip into the bedroom. You remove your clothes and leave them on the floor on your side of the bed. You stand there for a while watching me sleep, noting the pillow laying in your spot against my back (knowing that I place it there to try and fool my body into relaxing and believing that it's you laying next to me). You also notice the laptop on the bed with the webcam attached..you touch the mouse screen and see that I am still logged on the Yahoo Messenger...the webcam broadcasting only to you the vision of your lover sleeping and dreaming of you. You slowly and gently remove the pillow and laptop from the bed...careful not to wake me just yet....You slip in between the covers and lovingly curl your body into mine...I sigh and moan oh so quietly..you smile knowing that you have succeeded in not waking me just yet...you lightly cup my right breast with your left hand and instinctively my left hand covers yours...you know that you have entered into my dreams of you and you relish in that thought for a few minutes wondering just what those dreams are....When my hand relaxes and you are able to slip your hand away...you start to lightly caress the line and curves of my body...you gently blow on my neck and ear then you start to place small kisses along the path you know will make me tingle all over my body...as you do so your own desire becomes evident...your thick cock starts to grow and harden....it too desires me and the wet, creamy, pulsating pussy that it knows so very well...I slowly roll from my right side to my back...my legs parting instinctively...you know that I am still not fully awake...that you are still within my dreams as my body responds to your touch....you continue to caress my body and gently kiss me...your hand moving to my shaved mound..the central core of desire and pleasure....you find my pussy already wet and smooth..you start to gently play with my clit..alternating between gently teasing and circling your finger around my clit and moving my clit between your forefinger and thumb....knowing that it runs deep as you play with it and make it hard like a little cock...I moan and respond but still seem to be asleep....You ease back the covers and move down to eat my pussy knowing that this will awaken me and bring my passion to the forefront of my mind....you start slowly with your tongue...licking and teasing my clit..my tiny little cock....as you start to gently suck on it...you see my hands go first to my breasts caressing and kneading them...then to your face and hair...I smile and say "hi, sugar! I was just dreaming of you!" You stop eating my pussy long enough to say "yes, love...I know...I'm here now, baby!"....You slowly slide up my body....making sure I feel and know the desire you have for me...we kiss...long and deep for a while...which only intensifies our need for each other...you move to my neck and my right ar....lingering there long enough to make me weak in knees...knowing exactly what you are doing to me, making me more and more hungry for you and making you harder and ready for me....but you're not quite ready yet for us to climax...then you slide back down my body...kissing every inch of me as you go....wanting more of my sweet nectar....wanting to push me over the edge...wanting to feel the flood that you and you only can create and to taste it's sweet, creamy and juicy cum that you know will come...I beg you to PLEASE let me suck your hard, thick cock..and after several leadings....you concede and turn ...I think to myself.."YES! 69! We'll both cummmm in each other's mouths.....but as you do you reach into our personal bag of toys....I glimpse the movement, but have no idea what you have reached for.....the thought only makes me more wet.....more hungry....more horny for what only you can do to me...is it an egg? a glass dildo? a vibrating dildo? the "Fred cock"?...so much like yours that it only makes me want you more????

All participants are at least 18 years of age.